Durbin meets with Rachael Ray to discuss healthy school lunches

Chicago Sun-Times
May 11, 2010
By: Lynn Sweet

WASHINGTON--Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) met with Rachael Ray, the cookbook author and food show star about his legislation to bolster the quality of school food and find ways to pay for healthier meals. The meeting came on the day that First Lady Michelle Obama released her task force report on ending childhood obesity, a component of which is offering students healthier choices.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest and the Healthy Schools Campaign support the Durbin legislation, introduced Tuesday. The Healthy Schools Partnerships Act of 2010 would, according to a statement from Durbin's office, "fund a competitive program that would bring together nutritional and academic experts, members of the community and local schools to produce innovative ideas to improve food quality, student choices in food and healthy school environments."