Durbin, Quigley introduce resolution offering support, sympathy for Poland

April 14, 2010
CHICAGO (AP) — The U.S. Senate has passed a resolution from Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin expressing sympathy over the loss of Poland's president and 95 others in a plane crash.

Durbin introduced the resolution Tuesday and it was passed Wednesday. Congressman Mike Quigley introduced an identical resolution in the U.S. House. The resolutions express continued solidarity with the Polish people and support for the Polish government.

Polish President Lech Kaczynski (lekh kah-CHIN'-skee) and his wife, Maria Kaczynska, were among 96 people killed Saturday in a plane crash in western Russia. Durbin says he extends his sympathies for Poland's "profound loss." Quigley says the loss will be felt "for years to come."

Chicago has the largest Polish and Polish-American population in the U.S.