Durbin Tours Southern Illinois Flood Areas

Illinois Radio Network

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) toured portions of southern Illinois threatened by the rising Mississippi and Ohio River. But he says the rivers themselves aren’t the only problem.

Durbin says the 64 foot flood wall protecting Cairo is holding, but several earthen levees are showing seepage elsewhere along the river, and the high river levels are creating problems underground.

“The water table is washing from the river under the city of Cairo, and starting to bubble up and flood the city,” he says. “So as long as the river is at high levels, the pressure is on for the water to come under Cairo and to inundate and flood the city.”

Durbin says National Guardsmen found bubbles while patrolling the area Thursday. That area has been cordoned off, and such areas are not yet common. The rivers at Cairo are expected to crest this weekend, pending future rainfall.