December 19, 2016

Durbin Announces $3 Million For Water And Waste Projects In Rural Illinois

CHICAGO – U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded $3,029,900 in federal funding for water and waste disposal programs in rural areas of Illinois.
“This federal investment will create good-paying jobs in Illinois communities, and help protect public health, safety, and the welfare of our families,” Senator Durbin said.
USDA Water and Waste Disposal Program
The Rural Water and Waste Disposal Loan Program is used to develop drinking water and waste disposal systems, including solid waste disposal and storm drainage systems in rural areas and towns with populations under 10,000. Funds are available to public entities such as municipalities, counties, special-purpose districts, Indian tribes, and corporations not operated for profit. Additionally, Water and Waste Disposal Grants seek to reduce water and waste disposal costs to a reasonable level for rural areas.
Under today’s announcement, the following entities will receive funds through the Water and Waste Disposal Program:
·     SouthWater, Inc. (Union County): Loan of $508,000 and grant of $241,900 to connect 21 new rural users to the existing system;
·     Village of Cerro Gordo (Piatt County): Loan of $790,000 to replace nearly 6000 feet of water mains and create an additional connection to the water plant. Village of Cerro Gordo has experienced over 62 water line breaks since the 1980’s;
·     Village of Weldon (DeWitt County): Loan of $700,000 and grant of $790,000 to replace water main, fire hydrants, and valves, and make other necessary renovations to address high levels of arsenic in system and provide potable water to the Village’s 429 residents.