
Durbin Applauds President Biden's Emergency Supplemental Request to Provide Security Aid to Israel and Ukraine

CHICAGO – U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Co-Chair of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, today released the following statement in support of President Biden’s emergency supplemental request to provide security aid to Israel and Ukraine:

“The scale and viciousness of the Hamas terrorist attack against the Israeli people are reprehensible, and I support President Biden’s emergency aid request to help Israel defend itself and free any hostages. Violence against the innocent—both Israelis and Palestinians—is never the answer and we must remain steadfast in our pursuit of peace. Congress must approve this aid as soon as possible.

“Likewise, nearly 20 months after Putin began his brutal criminal invasion, Ukraine remains on the frontlines of democracy. The United States and the nations of the free world must continue to provide the resources, equipment, and training necessary for our Ukrainian friends to prevail against Russian tyranny.”
