June 27, 2017

Durbin Calls On Republicans To Drop Repeal, Join Democrats In Improving Health Care

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) released the following statement after Senate Republicans convened at the White House with President Trump to discuss next steps for their disastrous health care repeal bill:

“When the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported its analysis of the Senate Republican health care repeal bill this week, the bottom fell out of the effort.  The Senate Republican bill, which is opposed by hospitals, doctors, nurses, the disability community, and every major medical advocacy group, would have removed health insurance coverage for 22 million Americans, including one million Illinoisans.  According to the CBO, it would have dramatically raised premiums on Americans between 50 and 64 years old and forced even higher deductibles.  It was a threat to the survival of downstate hospitals and would have shortened the solvency of Medicare.

“It was billed as an improvement on the House bill which passed several weeks ago and, despite the support of the seven Illinois Republican Congressmen, drew the same solid opposition as the Senate measure.

“We can make health care stronger and more affordable if the Republicans will drop their tax cuts for the wealthiest, devastation of Medicaid funding, and join us in a bipartisan effort to truly repair and not repeal.”