
Durbin Calls Out Trump Administration For Inhumane Conditions At The Border

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee, today slammed the Trump Administration for the inhumane detention facility conditions at the southwest border.  In a speech on the Senate floor, Durbin detailed recent reports of the overcrowded and inhumane conditions at the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facilities.

“Eventually, the history of this period will be written and there will be accountability, not just for the officials in government but for all of us… We’re going to have to answer for the way that these people have been treated,” Durbin said.  “It’s time for the President to acknowledge that the ‘get tough,’ bizarre tweets just aren’t enough.  We have to have a policy that makes sense to bring stability to our border.”  

Video of Durbin’s remarks on the Senate floor are available here.

Audio of Durbin’s remarks on the Senate floor is available here.

Footage of Durbin’s remarks on the Senate floor is available here for TV Stations.

In April, Durbin visited the Port of Entry in El Paso, Texas, and a nearby Border Patrol Station.  In May, Durbin led 24 Senators in calling on the International Committee of the Red Cross and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Acting Inspector General to investigate these Border Patrol facilities.  In May, the DHS Inspector General’s Office released a report detailing the inhumane and dangerous overcrowding of migrants at the El Paso Port of Entry.  Last week, the DHS Inspector General issued another scathing report, this time about multiple Border Patrol facilities in the Rio Grande Valley.  
