
Durbin Discusses COVID-19 and Opioid Addiction Treatment with Illinois Advocates

SPRINGFIELD – U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today discussed opioid addiction treatment and the COVID-19 pandemic with Illinois advocates of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), Illinois Society of Addiction Medicine, and Live4Lali. During the call, Durbin and the group discussed the spike in overdose deaths during the pandemic, how to better help provide services for patients with substance use disorders amid the pandemic, and strategies for training and expanding the behavioral health workforce in Illinois. 

“While COVID-19 has captured our attention, the ‘other pandemic’ – our nation’s opioid crisis – still rages. COVID-19 has forced a decline in life-saving treatment and social services, while bringing fear, isolation, and stress into so many households across Illinois, contributing to alarming spikes in suicides, addiction, and overdoses across so many communities.  We must do everything we can in Congress to give communities and health providers the support they need to serve residents in need during this unprecedented health crisis,” Durbin said. 
