
Durbin, Duckworth Meet With Chicago Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) and U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today met with Chicago Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson to discuss Chicago priorities and how they can assist him in the Senate.

“I want to thank Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson for coming to the Capitol to meet with us today,” said Durbin.  “During our meeting, we discussed issues he will face in his new administration and reiterated our commitment to assist in any way we can.  When he succeeds, Chicago and Illinois succeed, and I look forward to our close collaboration in the future.”  

“Brandon Johnson knows that leading a city as great and diverse Chicago is going to take a commitment to service and hard work,” said Duckworth.  “During our discussion today, I also made sure to emphasize that taking advantage of my Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act and aggressively working to replace lead service lines is a critical mission that all levels of government can and must partner on to protect the health of Chicago’s families.”

“What our city needs is real collaboration that puts the people of Chicago ahead of politics,” said Johnson.  “I’m thankful to Senators Durbin and Duckworth for giving me such a warm welcome in Washington today and sharing critical opportunities for federal and local collaboration.  I look forward to working with them to build a stronger, better, safer Chicago for all.”

Photos from the meeting are available here. 

B-Roll from the meeting is available here. 
