September 28, 2018

Durbin: I Believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Will Oppose Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's Nominee To The Supreme Court

WASHINGTON – During today’s Senate Judiciary Committee markup, U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced that he will oppose Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court.

“Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was credible, cooperative, and resolute.  When I asked her directly, under oath, the degree of certainty that she had that she was assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh, she responded, ‘100 percent.’

“This woman, who had identified Brett Kavanaugh as her assailant to her husband and therapist six years ago, believed she had a responsibility as a citizen – as a citizen – to come forward and tell her story.  I thought about the word she used during the course of her testimony yesterday.  The word she used more often than not to describe her motives was helpful – helpful.  She wanted to be helpful to this Committee and to her nation.  I believe her.

“The exchange I had with Judge Kavanaugh was an honest effort to loosen the Gordian knot this Committee faces when two sworn witnesses are in direct contradiction.  What I asked for, what many have asked for, is obvious – turn over the facts we know to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  Let them connect the dots.  Let them complete the investigation.  Then let us meet and evaluate their findings.

“So who is telling the truth?  Two sworn witnesses in direct contradiction.  But there is one significant difference.  One of these sworn witnesses has stepped forward and said I will submit my testimony and myself to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, understanding that anyone who lies to the Federal Bureau of Investigation is subject to criminal prosecution.  The other witness evaded that question over and over and over and over. 

“Because those scales have been tipped in favor of the one sworn witness who is willing to take her case before the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I will be voting no on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” Durbin said.


Video of Durbin’s remarks in Committee are available here.

Audio of Durbin’s remarks in Committee are available here.


In the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday, Judge Kavanaugh repeatedly refused to call for an independent FBI investigation, in stark contrast to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Ms. Deborah Ramirez, and Ms. Julie Swetnick, who have all asked for a FBI investigation of their serious allegations of sexual assault.

Also yesterday, Durbin asked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, “Dr. Ford, with what degree of certainty do you believe Brett Kavanaugh assaulted you?”  Dr. Blasey Ford responded, “One hundred percent.”

On Wednesday, following the release of a sworn declaration from Julie Swetnick detailing new allegations of sexual assault by Judge Kavanaugh, Durbin called for Senate Republicans and the White House to either immediately call for the FBI to conduct an investigation into the multiple allegations of sexual assault by Judge Kavanaugh or withdraw his nomination.
