
Durbin Meets With Transportation For Illinois Coalition

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today met with the Transportation for Illinois Coalition (TFIC), a group of statewide and regional businesses, organized labor, industry, governmental, and nonprofit organizations that have joined together to support strong transportation investments for Illinois.  Durbin discussed his priorities for the upcoming White House negotiations regarding a comprehensive transportation infrastructure bill and his work to secure federal funding for Illinois projects.

“If there’s one thing I always hear from Illinoisans, it’s that they want Congress and the White House to work together on a bill that invests in transportation infrastructure.  I didn’t need to tell members of today’s meeting what a transportation bill would mean for our state, and we are focused on making sure we do this the right way,” Durbin said.  “Democrats have urged the President to do something big and bold, and we hope that is what comes of our negotiations moving forward.”

A photo of today’s meeting is available here.