
Durbin, Ossoff, Welch Introduce Legislation To Terminate AUMFs No Later Than 10 Years After Enactment

The bill comes after the Senate voted to repeal 1991, 2002 Iraq AUMFs

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), U.S. Senators Jon Ossoff (D-GA), and Peter Welch (D-VT) today introduced the Accountability for Endless Wars Act, legislation to terminate the Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMFs) and declarations of war no later than 10 years after the enactment of such authorizations or declarations.  AUMFs set the legal framework, parameters, and constitutional basis for the United States’ military engagements.  Yesterday, the Senate voted to repeal both the 1991 and 2002 AUMFs against Iraq by a bipartisan vote of 66-30.  Durbin was one of 23 Senators to vote against the 2002 Iraq War AUMF.

“Yesterday, the Senate voted to repeal the 1991 and 2002 AUMFs, which will close open-ended war authorizations that should be revisited and debated by the Congress, as our Constitution wisely requires,” said Durbin.  “While this was a step forward, we should do more to ensure that future AUMFs are not allowed to remain in force long past their intended use.  If the continued use of military force is justified beyond a decade, Congress should do what the Constitution clearly intends for us to do – debate and vote on the continued use of force.  We should no longer abdicate our responsibility by relying on a resolution that has long since served its intended purpose.”

“This bill will force the Congress to take responsibility for its Constitutional obligations to declare war and authorize the use of force instead of delegating open-ended authorities indefinitely to the President,” said Ossoff. 

“As clearly defined in the Constitution, it is Congress’s duty to declare war and authorize the use of military force. This should always be done in a thoughtful and deliberate way, informed by accurate intelligence,” said Welch. “The 10-year sunset provision in the Accountability for Endless Wars Act is an important step to restore congress’ role in this process and ensure any authorization for the use of military force is consistent with its original intent and subject to regular review.”
