
Durbin Receives COVID-19 Update From Dr. Fauci

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today met virtually with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to receive an update on recent COVID-19 developments. During the conversation, Dr. Fauci spoke about the Delta variant and its impact on unvaccinated Americans as COVID-19 cases have surged over the last month. Durbin and Dr. Fauci further discussed how to encourage more Americans to get vaccinated, the potential necessity of booster shots especially for immuno-compromised individuals, and the timetable for getting children younger than 12 vaccinated.

“Despite coming under attack from the far right for speaking the truth, Dr. Fauci has been an invaluable leader through the entirety of this pandemic. As we face another surge in COVID-19 cases, mainly among the unvaccinated, I’m relieved that he and his team are on the case—pushing research forward to learn more about the Delta variant, and working to find ways to protect our nation’s children from this virus,” said Durbin. “If we want to truly put this pandemic behind us, we must keep encouraging our loved ones to get vaccinated and mask up.”

A photo of their virtual meeting is available here.
