
Durbin Receives Progress Report on Thomson Prison Activation

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Following a meeting with the Director of the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Prisons, Charles Samuels, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today said the activation of Thomson Correctional Center in Thomson, Illinois remains on track. 


Nearly 250 staff positions have been filled at the facility and more than 90 minimum-security inmates have arrived at the Thomson prison satellite camp, with approximately 110 more expected.  When fully operational, Thomson prison is expected to employ roughly 1,100 people.  Annual operation of the facility is expected to generate more than $122 million in operating expenditures (including salaries), $19 million in labor income, and $61 million in local business sales.


“I continue to hear about the tremendous work that is being done to bring the prison fully online in Thomson,” said Durbin.  “From realtors to shop owners to school principals, the community has been working hard to accommodate the influx of new residents to the region.  Director Samuels confirmed today that the activation is on track.  In the coming months, I will be working with Congresswoman Bustos to make certain that the next Congressional Appropriations bill includes robust funding for Thomson prison and that the Obama Administration remains committed to operating the prison in a responsible and humane manner that protects the safety and rights of both staff and inmates.”