
Durbin: Repeating Votes in Hopes of a Different Outcome a Colossal Waste of Time

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senate Assistant Democratic Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) released the following statement after the Senate voted again to not advance a resolution of disapproval of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. The Senate took the same vote on Thursday night.


Last Thursday, the Senate voted to not advance a resolution of disapproval of the Iran Nuclear Agreement—the culmination of eight weeks of thorough review, briefings, and reflection by Senate Democrats on the details of the deal. Unhappy with that outcome, Senate Republicans scheduled another vote on the exact same measure to make a purely political point. The outcome was the same.


At best it’s a colossal waste of time—at worst it’s willfully delaying action on the most basic constitutional function of the Congress: funding the government. Our country faces serious challenges, but with just days to act before the government runs out of money, wasting the Senate’s time repeating votes doesn’t address any of them.