September 15, 2020

Durbin Speaks With FDA Commissioner About COVID-19 Vaccine Approval Process & Youth E-Cigarettes

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) spoke by phone with Food and Dru Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn today about how he would ensure integrity in the COVID-19 vaccine approval process, citing concerns that political pressure on the vaccine timeline is undermining the FDA’s scientific integrity and public trust.  Durbin also discussed last Wednesday’s long-awaited e-cigarette product application deadline, and pressed for FDA to strongly enforce its own regulations to protect kids.

“Commissioner Hahn and I discussed the firestorm of political pressure from the White House that is shaking public trust in the scientific integrity of the vaccine approval process. The legacy of the FDA’s independence is on the line, and we cannot cut corners or permit political interference to undermine the duty to ensure safety and efficacy of a COVID-19 vaccine that we all seek,” Durbin said. “Additionally, after years of delay, the FDA must now protect our children by enforcing our public health regulations to reject vaping product applications that hook children. I urged Commissioner Hahn to be transparent on what his agency is doing by publishing a list of what products are on the market, what applications were submitted, and what company is in violation.”
