
Durbin Statement Marking Two Years Since The Highland Park Shooting

CHICAGO – U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today released the following statement marking two years since the shooting in Highland Park, Illinois:

“On July 4, 2022, we lost Katie Goldstein, Irina and Kevin McCarthy, Stephen Straus, Jacki Lovi Sundheim, Nicolás Toledo, and Eduardo Uvaldo in an unspeakable act of violence. I share the grief of the Highland Park community today as we remember these seven lives taken too soon, the dozens who were wounded, and those left traumatized.

“On the second anniversary of this tragic day, may we honor the lives we lost and the bravery of those who responded to this crisis. I will honor their memory by continuing to push the Senate forward on gun safety reform. We cannot become numb to the horrific gun violence communities across the country are facing daily.”

On Monday, Durbin and Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Representative Brad Schneider (D-IL-10) announced that they will introduce a resolution to honor the victims of the Highland Park shooting.
