October 04, 2019

Durbin Statement On Poland's Possible Entry Into Visa Waiver Program

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) released the following statement today on the Department of State’s announcement regarding Poland’s entry into the Visa Waiver Program:

For years I have battled in Congress for visa waivers for our Polish visitors.  I know so many Polish Americans who simply want their family and friends from Poland to have easier access to visit America.  Now I hope we are finally moving forward.  I look forward to receiving more information about the State Department’s announcement today, especially in the light of the existing legal requirements for entry into the program and the Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant agenda. 

In 2013, Durbin was a lead sponsor of bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform legislation that, at Durbin’s request, included a provision that would have allowed Poland to qualify for the Visa Waiver Program. This legislation passed the Senate 68-32 but was subsequently blocked by the Republicans who then controlled the House of Representatives.
