March 03, 2015

Durbin Statement On Prime Minister Netanyahu's Address To Congress

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) released the following statement after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress: 

America’s support for Israel has historically been bipartisan, forging the strongest of ties between our two nations. That is why I was deeply troubled by the manner in which Speaker Boehner invited the Prime Minister to address this joint session—without consultation with the White House or the Democratic leadership of the House or Senate. I attended the session out of respect for Israel and our common purpose of denying nuclear arms to Iran.


President Obama has made it clear that the purpose of the P5+1 negotiations is to prevent a nuclear armed Iran. We all agree on that goal. Were it not for the President’s efforts we would not have this international coalition imposing the sanctions on Iran that brought them to the table in the first place. These negotiations and the peaceful resolution we hope they yield must be given a chance to succeed.