October 13, 2017

Durbin Statement On Trump Decertifying Iran Nuclear Deal

CHICAGO—U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), who led the effort to secure the Iran Nuclear Agreement in the Senate in 2015, released the following statement:

“Thanks to the Agreement and its inspectors, Iran is further away from a nuclear weapon than at any point in more than a decade. It has agreed to never pursue a nuclear weapon and to continue intrusive inspections around the clock. That’s good for America’s security and the security of our allies in the Middle East.

“President Trump belittling these security gains, over the objection of our critical European allies, risks returning the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran to the U.S. and Israel. 

“Pulling out of the Agreement would only empower Iran’s hardliners and weaken America’s standing with our allies—allies we depend on to face down growing threats in other parts of the world, like a nuclear-armed North Korea.  

“America and the world do not need another nuclear threat. Playing fast and loose with nuclear weapons invites disaster. Make no mistake, President Trump’s bad faith move alienates the United States and makes other countries—friend and foe alike—less likely to trust America’s word in the future. He alone will own the results.”