
Durbin Votes For General Charles Q. Brown, Jr. As New Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff

Today’s confirmation vote was held after Senate Democrats maneuvered around Senator Tuberville’s irresponsible block of General Brown’s nomination—but more than 300 military nominations and promotions remain stalled

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), a member of the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, voted to confirm General Charles Q. Brown Jr. as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  Today’s confirmation vote was held after Senate Democrats were forced to maneuver around U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville’s (R-AL) irresponsible hold of General Brown’s nomination—but his hold on more than 300 military nominations and promotions remains.  Durbin has repeatedly condemned Tuberville’s reckless nine-month hold that has put national security at risk in protest of the Pentagon’s policy to support a servicemember’s right to make their own health care decisions. 

“General Brown has a remarkable resume that proves he is up to the task.  He will serve honorably as our nation’s top military leader,” said Durbin.  “I’m pleased that Senate Democrats were able to circumvent my colleague’s politically-motivated blockade of General Brown’s nomination, one that is only endangering our national security, to confirm him as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  I hope my colleague will relinquish his hold on the hundreds more military nominations and promotions and avoid further harm to our military readiness at the expense of his political grandstanding.”

Prior to today’s confirmation vote, Durbin met with General Brown to discuss his nomination.

A photo of Durbin and General Brown’s meeting is available here.

Trained as a F-16 fighter pilot, General Brown brings more than four decades of military service to the nation’s top military job, including senior leadership roles in the Pacific and Middle East.
