
Durbin: White House Nominates Myerscough to Fill Federal Judgeship in Central District

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today announced that President Obama has nominated Appellate Court Justice Sue Myerscough to fill a vacancy on the U.S. District Court in the Central District of Illinois (Springfield).  The White House recently nominated James Shadid to fill a vacancy in Peoria.  Last month, Durbin began accepting applications for a third vacancy in this district and asked a bipartisan screening committee to assist in selecting candidates.
“Sue Myerscough’s experience as a state court judge and her stature in the legal community will make her a real asset to the federal bench,” said Durbin. “I was honored to recommend her name to President Obama and am pleased that he has nominated another outstanding candidate for the Central District of Illinois.”
Justice Myerscough has served as a state appellate court judge on the Fourth District Appellate Court in Springfield since 1998.  From 1987-1998, she was a state trial court judge on the Seventh Judicial Circuit in Springfield.  She worked in private practice from 1981-1987, after serving as a judicial law clerk to U.S. District Court Judge Harold Baker in the Central District of Illinois.  She earned a BA and JD from Southern Illinois University, and she has been an adjunct professor at the SIU school of medicine and a member of the SIU law school board of visitors. 
In April of last year, Durbin established three bipartisan screening committees to assist in selecting U.S. District Court Judges, U.S. Attorneys, and U.S. Marshals for Illinois. The screening committees are comprised of 22 distinguished Illinoisans drawn from various aspects of the legal profession and include former judges, prominent litigators, law professors, bar association leaders, former prosecutors and defenders. 
Springfield attorney James Potter serves as chair of the Central District of Illinois screening committee.  Members of this committee reviewed applications, conducted interviews, and made recommendations.  Durbin conducted interviews of finalists and, in consultation with members of the Illinois Congressional delegation, submitted the names of four individuals to the President, who made the final decision on today’s nomination.
Judicial nominees receive a hearing and vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee, of which Senator Durbin is a member.  If approved by the Judiciary Committee, the nominee will then receive a vote by the full Senate.