
Durbin: With All Evidence Pointing to a Decisive Gonzalez Victory, He Should Be Considered President-Elect

In a speech on the Senate floor, Durbin spoke out against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro for attempting to steal another election and robbing citizens of a free and fair chance to vote for a better future

WASHINGTON  U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today took to the Senate floor to deliver a speech condemning Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro for falsely claiming that the nation’s election was called in his favor, despite refusing to release actual ballot data and independent exit polls demonstrating widespread support for opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez.  In his remarks, Durbin emphasized the dangers of Maduro at the helm, and he emphasized that Gonzalez should be considered the President-elect unless credible evidence, which has yet to be presented, suggests otherwise.

“I had the chance to visit Caracas, Venezuela, before they held their last presidential election. I will never forget walking into one of the private hospitals in Caracas and seeing the shelves empty of basic medicines and hearing the stories of deprivation and political repression that led so many millions to flee that country,” Durbin recalled.

“I told President Maduro that if he ran a sham election, which he had scheduled, he'd find the country even more isolated and the Venezuelan people enduring even more suffering,” Durbin began.  “Unfortunately, that’s the path he pursued, and we've seen the heartbreaking consequences.  A failed state near economic collapse, millions of refugees in the region, and greater reliance on Cuba and Russia to suppress the Venezuelan public.”

On Sunday, Venezuela held its election, and this morning, Maduro was brazenly declared the winner despite the release of actual election data.  The desperate move has been widely condemned in Venezuela and by the region’s democratic nations. 

“But yesterday’s presidential election in Venezuela offered a chance for change.  It has been a perilous process, with the regime disqualifying opposition candidates and arresting key opposition supporters.  Yet, on Sunday, millions turned out to vote for a change… People waiting in line, some up to six hours, for the chance to vote,” said Durbin.

“Despite independent exit polls showing a wide margin for opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, Maduro’s regime has once again tried to claim a dubious victory, absent of credible ballot evidence,” Durbin said.

“Responsible nations in the region have understandably cast serious doubts on the regime’s claim and called for a full and transparent counting of the ballots.  I join in that request,” Durbin continued. 

Durbin concluded his remarks by firmly stating that Gonzalez should be seen as Venezuela’s fairly-elected leader.

“With evidence so far pointing to a decisive Gonzalez victory, he should be considered the President-elect unless credible evidence is provided otherwise.  The Maduro regime must not be allowed to steal an election or any more of the future from the Venezuelan people,” Durbin ended his speech.

Video of Durbin’s remarks on the floor is available here.

Audio of Durbin’s remarks on the floor is available here.

Footage of Durbin’s remarks on the floor is available here for TV Stations.

Durbin traveled to Venezuela in April 2018, during which time he met with then National Assembly Member Guaidó as well as Nicolás Maduro, warning him that pursuing a sham election the following month would further isolate his autocratic regime.
