Press Releases

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Durbin to Travel to Bosnia, Lithuania, and Belarus This Week

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) will travel to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Lithuania and Belarus this week as part of a bipartisan Congressional delegation which will attend the 18th Annual Session of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Parliamentary Assembly. Durbin will depart Friday, traveling first to Bosnia-Herzegovina, then on to Lithuania and Belarus. Stops in Sarajevo, Vilnius and Minsk are currently planned. Due to security… Continue Reading


Durbin, Leahy, and Feingold Introduce Legislation Making Crimes Against Humanity a Violation of US Law

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Assistant Senate Majority Leader and Chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law, Dick Durbin (D-IL), introduced the Crimes Against Humanity Act today - legislation that would make it a violation of U.S. law to commit a crime against humanity. This legislation is needed to ensure that perpetrators of the worst human rights violations do not find safe haven in our country. "The United States led the first prosecutions for crimes against humanity in … Continue Reading


Durbin Introduces Bill to Aid Reforestation Efforts in Haiti

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) introduced legislation today to aid reforestation efforts in Haiti. Once covered by thick tropical forest, Haiti is now 98 percent deforested. That deforestation has caused widespread soil erosion; the destruction of natural barriers from hurricanes; and contributes to widespread and abject poverty. The Haiti Reforestation Act seeks to end the rapid and near total deforestation of the island-nation and restore Haiti's n… Continue Reading


Durbin Resumes Leadership of Human Rights Subcommittee

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) made the following statement today after Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT) restored the Human Rights Subcommittee and named Durbin as its Chairman: "After offering my Crime and Drugs Subcommittee gavel to Senator Specter, I asked Senator Leahy to reestablish the Human Rights and the Law Subcommittee. Today that subcommittee has been reconstituted, allowing us to continue working on some of the… Continue Reading


Durbin Commends Inclusion of Study Abroad in House Foreign Relations Act

[WASHINGTON, DC] - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today made the following statement the announcement that the Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Act was included in wide-ranging legislation in the House of Representatives to improve and support U.S. foreign policy efforts. The House Foreign Relations Authorization Act - introduced by Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee - would establish the Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Foundation as a new executive… Continue Reading


Durbin Works with Leahy to Secure Additional $50 Million for Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) announced today that he, along with Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), has secured $50 million for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The funds will be included in the supplemental spending package that the Senate will consider next week. Today's funds are in addition to $50 million Durbin had already secured for FY09. "Today there are over 33 million people worldwide living with HIV. Every year, more t… Continue Reading


Durbin Introduces Bill to Eliminate the Practice of Child Marriages Overseas

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) introduced legislation today which seeks to end the harmful practice of child marriage oversees. The International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act would require the U.S. Government to develop an integrated, strategic approach to reduce, and ultimately end, the practice of child marriage. "As I've travelled the world, I've always thought the way a country treats women and children says a lot about its c… Continue Reading


U.S. Policy toward Cuba

Delivered on the Floor of the United States Senate Mr. President, last month during the vote on the omnibus bill we heard the beginnings of a discussion on the best way to encourage change in Cuba. Shortly thereafter several of my colleagues, including Senators Dorgan, Lugar, Dodd, and Enzi spoke about their bill, the Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act, which I am pleased to cosponsor. And last week President Obama announced an easing of U.S. policy toward Cuba--one that allows for, am… Continue Reading


Addressing the Global Food Crisis

Remarks Prepared for Delivery by Senator Richard J. Durbin I want to thank my friend Dan Glickman for that generous introduction - and for his and Cathy Bertini's tireless leadership in the fight against global poverty and hunger. I want to thank them, in particular, for their leadership on The Chicago Initiative on Global Agricultural Development. I also want to acknowledge and thank Marshall Bouton for his leadership of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. The sympo… Continue Reading


Durbin, Whitehouse Seek Additional Information Regarding Justice Department Investigation of Torture Authorizations

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) sent a letter today to the Acting Assistant Attorney General, inquiring about an internal investigation of Justice Department attorneys who provided legal advice regarding waterboarding and other abusive interrogation techniques. Today's letter is in response to revelations that former Justice Department officials Jay Bybee, John Yoo, and Steven Bradbury, the targets of the internal… Continue Reading


Durbin Introduces Bipartisan DREAM Act to Help Students Earn a Path to Legal Residency

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) today introduced the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act - a narrowly tailored, bipartisan measure which would permit undocumented students to become permanent residents if they came here as children, are long-term U.S. residents, have good moral character, and attend college or enlist in the military for at least two years. "Our immigration laws prevent thousand… Continue Reading


Renewing American Leadership on the Global Water Crisis

Remarks by Senator Richard J. Durbin Renewing American Leadership on the Global Water Crisis To the Center for Strategic and International Studies Russell Caucus Room, United States Senate March 17, 2009 **as prepared for delivery** I want to thank John Hamre for that generous introduction, and thank my friend, Congressman Earl Blumenauer for his inspiring leadership in our efforts to bring clean water and basic sanitation to the world. Congressman Blumenauer was the Ho… Continue Reading


Reunification of Cyprus

Delivered on the floor of the United States Senate. Madam President, in the last few decades we have seen historic changes around the world--the end of apartheid in South Africa, the peaceful collapse of the Soviet Union, the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, a wave of democratization across Eastern Europe and Latin America. My mother's homeland, her land of birth, the country of Lithuania, was once occupied by Nazis and then the Soviets. Today, it is a free, prosperous, democratic … Continue Reading


Durbin to Travel to Cyprus, Greece and Turkey This Week

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) will travel to Cyprus, Greece and Turkey over the President's Day congressional recess. The primary focus of this trip will be the tense political situation in Cyprus. Durbin will depart Saturday, traveling first to Cyprus, then on to Greece and Turkey. Stops in Nicosia, Athens, Ankara and Istanbul are currently planned. Due to security concerns, specific details of the trip will not be released in advance. "For mo… Continue Reading


Durbin Welcomes State Senator Dave Koehler as Special Guest to the Joint Session of Congress

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today welcomed Illinois State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) and his wife, Nora Sullivan, as his guests to an address by Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel to a joint session of Congress. Durbin, a member of the Senate Escort Committee, will meet with his guest after the joint session. "Today's Joint Session of Congress is a celebration of the ongoing partnership between the United States and a unified Germany," … Continue Reading


Durbin, Along with Military & Education Leaders, Urges Congress to Support Bright, Accomplished Kids with Bipartisan DREAM Act

[WASHINGTON, DC] - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today urged Senate colleagues to come together and support the DREAM Act, a narrowly tailored, bipartisan measure which would permit a select group of undocumented students to become permanent residents if they came here as children, are long-term U.S. residents, have good moral character, and attend college or enlist in the military for at least two years. "When I hear some describe this bill as amnesty, I wonder, if someone is willing to r… Continue Reading


DREAM Act as an Amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill

Mr. President, last month we had a controversial and spirited debate over immigration. It went on for several weeks on the floor of the Senate, and many Members of the Senate thought about it and voted one way or the other. The net result is that nothing happened. That is unfortunate. Everybody concedes our immigration laws have broken down. About 600,000 illegal people come into the United States each year and stay. Over 20 years, we now have 12 million people. The number continues to gro… Continue Reading


Feingold-Reid Amendment--Ending Iraq War and Bringing Troops Home

Mr. President, today we face an awesome vote, a historic vote in the Senate. It is a vote about this war in Iraq. It is an issue which consumes this Senate and this Nation. We have lost 3,400 soldiers, over 30,000 returned home injured, some with serious, grievous disabilities and injuries they will battle for a lifetime. We have spent over $500 billion, and there is no end in sight. This morning, the White House announced that the President has finally found a general who will accept t… Continue Reading


High Costs of Iraq War, Need for Policy Change

Mr. President, time is running out to fund the troops. There are many of us who believe the policy in Iraq is a failed policy. The numbers we are given every week are stark and frightening: Over 3,370 American soldiers have now lost their lives in the war in Iraq. Another five were killed yesterday. Over the weekend, three American soldiers were kidnapped. There is a manhunt underway to try to find them and rescue them as quickly as possible. And to all those involved, they have our praye… Continue Reading


School Libraries--READesign Program and "Adopt a School Library Month"

Mr. President, When I was growing up in East St. Louis, I spent hours reading about faraway places, exciting adventures, and historic figures and events. I spent countless hours in the library discovering wonderful stories and developed a lifelong love of reading. Now imagine going to school where the library is dark and uninviting, and where there is no librarian in sight. These conditions are real. I have visited schools in my home State of Illinois and seen libraries that show their … Continue Reading

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