
Durbin Questions AG Barr On His Handling Of The Mueller Report

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today questioned U.S. Attorney General William Barr on his handling of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. 

“I find, Attorney General Barr, that some of the things you’ve engaged in really leave me wondering what you believe your role is as Attorney General,” Durbin said.  “I would hope that we can get to the bottom of this with actual testimony and witnesses.”

In today’s hearing, Durbin pressed AG Barr on yesterday’s breaking news regarding a letter that Robert Mueller sent AG Barr on March 27, 2019, that stated that the four-page memo AG Barr sent to Congress summarizing the principal conclusions and results of the investigation “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s report.  Durbin also pressed AG Barr on whether or not Don McGahn and Robert Mueller should be allowed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee and called out the apparent coordinated attempt by Republicans on the committee to divert the hearing’s focus away from Russian election interference and onto Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Video of Durbin’s remarks in the Senate Judiciary Committee are available here.

Audio of Durbin’s remarks in the Senate Judiciary Committee is available here.

Footage of Durbin’s remarks in the Senate Judiciary Committee are available here for TV Stations.