
Durbin Shares Support For Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaidó

WASHINGTON Following the uprising in Venezuela today, U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) once again shared his support for Juan Guaidó, the constitutionally and internationally recognized interim leader of Venezuela.  In a speech on the Senate floor, Durbin also called on Russia and Cuba to step back and let the Venezuelan people decide their own future. 

“I urge Maduro to do the right thing for Venezuela, to avoid bloodshed, to accept Guaidó’s amnesty offer, and to step out of the way of this long overdue transition and return to democracy,” Durbin said.  “Until then, I support President Guaidó’s peaceful effort to advance the constitutional transition period in which a credible and timely election can be prepared under his leadership.  Mr. Guaidó is literally putting his life on the line for the future of his country.” 

Video of Durbin’s remarks on the Senate Floor are available here.

Last year, Durbin traveled to Venezuela where he met with then-President Nicolas Maduro, members of the opposition included Juan Guaidó, the President of the National Assembly, the Ministers of Health and Nutrition, business leaders, civil society groups, doctors, and humanitarian organizations.  He has also spoken with Guaidó by phone to offer his support for his transitional government.  Durbin also recently met with Fabiana Rosales, Venezuelan First Lady and wife to interim President Guaidó. 

In March, Durbin led 24 Senators in a bipartisan letter to President Trump requesting that his Administration promptly designate Venezuela for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to ensure that Venezuelan nationals currently present in the United States are not forced to return to Venezuela at this time.